Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There is no I in Team

This age old adage has finally been realized by Avon.

For weeks (2), whenever I clicked on "Team Roster," Avon showed the roster to be "Beth Jeter." It said I was the team captain, and being a captain of a team of 1 is just sad. One really is the loneliest number when you are pledging to walk 39 miles in 2 days. 

After several calls and emails, on Valentine's Day, the ultimate day to celebrate companionship, gmail alerted me that:

Your team has a new member! Hooray! Now Tracy and I are officially team members, walking together to help fight breast cancer!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Step by Step

Are you mainstream and now singing the New Kids song that shares the title to the blog, or are you thinking of a more obscure reference, the hit show starrring Patrick Duffy and Suzanne Somers as a modern day Brady Bunch, also titled Step By Step?  Either way, let's move on from what you think.

Saturday Cousin and I are taking our first steps and going for a walk. Since it's about 2 degrees in Washington now, and Cousin is battling a cold, we are going to Quentin's to walk it out on the treadmills in his gym.  We have committed to 30 minutes at some point. It will be the first step in a long road ahead of us, but here goes nothing!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sock it to Me! (aka, we’ve received our first piece of flair)

To promote fundraising and encourage everyone to get the word out about the Avon Walk, the powers that be at Avon HQ offered an incentive to all registered walkers who raised more than 5 hundo in 30 days...

Reebok. Pink ribboned. Low-cut. SOCKS!!!

And guess who the proud owners of these gems are...

If you could see us now, you would see thumbs pointed in a “This girl” fashion. And, not only did we accomplish this feat in the allotted 30-day period, we met this milestone in a week! Of course, we have to thank our

for their outpouring of support so early in the game. We can’t tell you how appreciative we are.

We’re just plain sock happy!

Monday, February 7, 2011

To sleep or not to sleep (in a tent), that is the question...

You may be asking yourself, 'What made Beth and Tracy decide to take on the challenge of training to walk nearly 40 miles and raise at least $3600 collectively in a mere 12 weeks?' Trust me, we asked ourselves the same question...

When deciding to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, one must ask herself:

1. Do I have anything planned the weekend of the walk? (Easter is the week before and we're not in/attending any weddings... check.)

2. Am I comfortable with being decked out in pink? (Minor sacrifice... check)

3. Am I capable of walking over 39 miles in two days? (Guess we'll have to start the training to find out...)

4. Will I be able to raise $1800 to participate in the walk? (With the amazing support we've already received from friends and family, we're well on our way :) But another donation couldn't hurt. Visit our personal walk pages by clicking on the links to the right of this post to make your contribution and join us in the fight against breast cancer)

5. Do I have to sleep in a tent???

(Image courtesy of a Google search for "camping hell.")

Nope! You can reserve a hotel room instead of sleeping in "Friendship Park." Which is in Maryland and I'm sure is charming, but for us it sounds only slightly more appealing than sitting through the Justin Bieber movie. So that means we are able to come home, take a bubble bath, open a sophisticated Pinot Noir and have our roommates bring us the Colletti's Smokehouse from Good Stuff after a long day of hoofing it around Washington in our finest pinks.

After carefully assessing the most pressing questions, and guided by our muses from Saved by the Bell, we decided to Go For It!


Friday, February 4, 2011

And I would walk 26.2 miles and I would walk 13.1 more

Friends, family, random blog readers, welcome to our blog!

We are 2 (soon 3??) GAM’s. And what great GAM’s we are. What’s a GAM? Girls Against Mastectomies. That’s right. We are totally against women having to go through this body-altering process, much less having to experience breast cancer at all. So, we’ve decided to do something in an effort to help fund research and  education on breast cancer so no woman will have to go through these experiences.

We have signed up for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer here in the DC. Leading up to the walk, we will be training for the 39 mile walk as well as raising money for the cause. And, of course, blogging! So bookmark us and become followers as we start our journey to the big weekend - April 30- May 1!

If you’ve participated in anything like this, please let us know! We would love any words of advice, stories of encouragement or tips to help us along. We are looking forward to sharing our experiences and doing what we can to help in the fight against breast cancer